God sent Jesus to take on human form on the earth and live as the true image of God in our world. He worked, ate, and interacted among the people, living in such a way that those around him could see and experience what God was truly like. Jesus was filled with and led by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the good news of God with power and bring healing, freedom, and new life to those he served. Then, after dying on the cross for our sins, the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus promised the same Spirit would give us power to do the same things Jesus did. All those who belong to God have the same Spirit and are missionaries sent and empowered by God’s Spirit to proclaim Jesus and show what God is like in daily life.
This sermon is based on the following passage of scripture:
Series Information
All followers of Christ are new creations that have been given a new identity as disciples, members of the family of God, servants of God, missionaries proclaiming the gospel, and stewards of God’s economy for His glory and the good of the city.