Calvary Familia exists to make Jesus non-ignorable in southwest Denver and to the ends of the earth.


We fulfill this vision by living out our mission to: "Make disciples of Jesus by being disciples of Jesus"

Jesus is the hope of the world. His story is the greatest story ever told. He is worthy of the praise of all men! After Jesus died for the sins of the world and rose from the dead, He gave His followers "The Great Commission" (Matthew 28:18-20) before ascending into heaven. God equips His followers to carry out this commission through the Holy Spirit.

The church is not a building, it is a people. Through His people, Jesus has spread the gospel throughout history and countless lives have been transformed. More lives will be changed, and Calvary Familia is excited to be a part of God’s powerful work in southwest Denver.


The motivation for our vision, and how we structure and form all we do, flow from the gospel. We must get the flow right. We first start with God, who has most clearly and powerfully revealed Himself in Jesus Christ (Doctrine — what we believe). It is then through Jesus' life and work we rightly receive and understand who we are, both as individuals and as a community (Identity — who we are). Then, in knowing who Jesus is and who we are in light of Him, we come to know how we ought to live in the everyday stuff of life (Rhythms — how we live). 

What We Believe    Who We Are    How We Live

© 2025 Calvary Familia